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Flight Night 20th June 2024 - A Royal Flush

Ladies and Gentlemen, back in the 50's 60's, 70's and 80's NATO held a series of exercises, Royal Flush, to test the reconnaissance abilities of it's members. These highly coveted and contested exercises were gruelling and required precise and technical flying from those involved.

In 1957 and 1959 It was won by the RAF with the Supermarine Swift - it's those feats we are going to replicate.

Starting at ex RAF Marham (EGMH) we will head across the channel, between Dover and Calais, before heading into mainland Europe to our first photo recce point at Antwerp, on to Rotterdam and then Amsterdam for our half way break at EHAM

The second half will be more fast paced and at lower level, overflying Eindhoven EHEH before going on to Brussels and Lille before recrossing the channel at the same point and back into Manston.

You will be flying the Supermarine Swift, please practice with whatever version you have, and we'll be providing a special version on Friday which will complete the requirements for the flight.

Timings will be everything on this flight so we must be ready to depart at 8pm UK time. Comms will be via Teamspeak and the we'll be having a hell of a lot of fun.

See you there!


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