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FlightNight 14th of September 2024 - Fly-bys

Visiting a bunch of airports/airfields/heliports to do fly-bys for their local airshows.

You'll need an aircraft that is happy at up to 350 KIAS when climbing over mountains. If you are not using an FGUK hangar aircraft, please post a link to it well in advance. I will be in this:

Meet-up will be 8pm UK time (BST / UTC +1) at KLXV (Lake County) departing from rwy 16. Comms will be via TeamSpeak.

Cruising speed will be 300-350 KIAS throughout - with slow downs for the fly-bys. If you struggle with this there are always the options of a touch-and-go (if you get too slow) or a circuit (if you're way too fast). Might even look deliberate/planned! 

Altitudes & headings will be done manually by me, so just follow the leader. Don't forget that Ctrl-u is always available if you run out of altitude.

Weather will be "Border of a high pressure region", which normally gives some nice clouds. Time setting: Dawn.

Mid-point/Break will be at Redlands (44CO) - a small (2,641 ft) gravel strip. 

If you can't deal with that, the diversion airport is North Fork Valley (7V2) a 4,500 ft asphalt runway. You'll just have to catch up after the break (it's only about 7nm away). Final destination will be Buckhorn Ranch (0CO2). It's a long enough runway but not very wide.

Here is a flight-plan to gather scenery:

Edit: the final destination has roads crossing the taxiways which, if you have OSM roads enabled, makes them VERY lumpy. Best to avoid the taxiways. At the end of the flight, we will meet up at the start of runway 29.


  • Next week I have a full site again so my attendance depends on how well behaved the guests are.

  • edited September 9

    I am going to practice my Gnat skills as I will hopefully be able to make it and am excited to get back into it.

    I’m thinking of bringing the Canberra along.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Splendid! sounds like a lot of fun.

  • I'll bring the should be fast enough for the Hollywood film, Warty.

    It's a custom one like pimp my ride or something.

  • Some photoscenery for the above flight - OneDrive link


    Install as before

  • Cheers, Oly

  • Slightly off topic: Warty would you be ok with me implementing interior sounds for the Gnat?

    Let's see if I can be with you guys tomorrow. :)

  • @Geed - I am happy for you to to that but better discussed here:

  • daVinci F-35A from the FGUK Hangar for me.


  • I am likely to be the FGUK Canberra, maybe the Hawk, depends on some training flights tomorrow afternoon.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • The Gnat_T1_W was provided so you would be able to spot me easier (it has display smoke and nav lights) and also to see the brake chute when operating. A brake-chute is pretty essential for landing at the mid-point airfield. If you want to have a go at using the Gnat_T1_W yourself, bear in mind that there is no key-assigment for this. I have it set as a button on my throttle stick. 

    The binding for operating the parachute is:





    So, for example, if you wanted to use the 'u' key to toggle this, you would add

    <key n="117">                      <name>u</name><desc>Chute</desc>






    to the keyboard file at Gnat_T1_W/Input/keyboard_Gnat.xml

  • Jaaaaaaaaaaaaag, if I can make it

  • Fingers crossed, Stuart! Jet chase over this terrain, with this group, will be epic!


  • edited September 14

    I might have to join Eagle in the Me262, really fun to fly around in. Depends if I can get the Hunter or Canberra this fast.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Attendance now unlikely. Got arrivals due about 9pm ish.

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