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My weekend so far..............

Well this weekend was the "Ouster Festival" weekend. a 3.5 day event that has grown well beyond a local event.

Thursday seen 20 arrivals for the event. Friday, was due 45 arrivals.

Friday was not a normal day at all. My wife was away in the Morning to a funeral and I was basically on my own to dal with everyone. But, not long after she left I was met at reception by a very distressed lady who shouted at me " My son in law is dead " !!!!. She was in a family group, 2 campervans. Her + Husband in one van and her daughter + son in law in the other. They had arrived on Thursday.

As she was with me informing me of his passing the Ambulance was coming up the road, Blue lights and sirens, and drove past their vans. I ran down to them and redirected them as quickly as I could.

I went back and locked up the reception and went down to the vans. One of the paramedics came to me, confirmed who I was, and confirmed the guy was indeed dead. This now has to involve the police as it becomes a sudden death situation.

Police arrive to do their thing and I had to let them get on with it while I wait for them to decide if they want the area closed off ( Both the vans are sitting in a key area that was going to be full very shortly. I was not looking forward to them telling me to not let anyone in ).

Police took about an hour and came to see me ( I was expecting them to shut me down for the day ), but it turns out the guy had known heart and kidney issues and had previously spent a long time in hospital. Apparently, he was up and about at 6;30am, and then went back to sleep and never woke up. Police were happy to accept that it was his time and nothing untoward had taken place. Coroner was called to remove his body.

Coroner duly arrived buy due to the size of the guy, they couldn't get him out of the van ( not enough space to get enough people in to lift him out. He was rather large). Eventually they got him out and away. The Family left for home later in the day.

All this before the chaos of 45 arrivals........................


  • Man....Stu that's sounds horrible....a horrible Saturday.

    I wish you and your wife much relaxation.

  • Jeez Dude. What a condolences to the family and to you for having to deal with it.


  • The good thing is, they had you - handling the cops and everything. Honestly, I think, having you around when the shit hits the fan, is a good thing, man...

  • I wasn't allowed near.

  • But apart from that - how did the rest of the weekend go? Did you have to give them a refund? Otherwise, no great loss.

  • No, I didnt refund them. I did offer them a free extra night ( even though that would cause a huge issue with space later that day ) because I didnt think they were in any condition to drive back to middle Englandshire, but they decided to head home.

    Rest of the weekend went fairly well with only 1 problem customer.

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