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FlightNight for Jan. 25th - Warbird Tour of German Airports to Austria!

We'll meet at 8 pm London Time at ICAO: EDDT - Tegel International Airport in Berlin, Germany. Please bring the Warbird of your choice from the FGUK Hangars that can attain/maintain 270 KIAS at altitudes up to 16,000' for an hours duration. From EDDT, we will overfly EDDB, ETSH, EDDP, EDDE, and land at ICAO: EDFE - Frankfurt Egelsbach Airport , as our midpoint refresh and refuel point.

After refresh and refuel, we will depart to and overfly EDFM, EDDS, EDJA, ED02, and land at ICAO: LOWI - Innsbruck Airport in Austria as our final destination. I'll be flying the F4U-1A as pictured.

Frame rates were pretty good during my route planning but generally frame rates over much of Germany are low and variable depending on multiple factors.

See ya'll there!



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