Lockheed C-130 Available
Lockheed C-130
Having spent quite a while in the shed being tinkered with Stuart managed to get this old bird working properly over MP and so we're pleased to announce that the Lockheed C-130 is available.
This is a version of Helijah's project and includes a FDM which hits pretty damn close to the numbers, full MP compatibility with lights and animations and also a fully updated Air to Air refuelling system so it can not only receive fuel but take it too (in the correct variant) with the drogues also animated over MP.
Now available to download on our hangar: https://sites.google.com/view/fgukhangar/flightgear-uk-home-page/hangar/turbo-props
It also works in HDR
Yummidy! Super Thanks, Stuart!
@stuartc and @Avionyx - A small issue with transparency from the underside only. Where the back of the wing meets the fuselage, the top is fine, just the bottom.
Callsigns: G-ORBI
Well done! cockpit is terrific
I'm lost again!
Thank you. We do try sometimes.
Pity I forgot the landing gear tho!
I'm lost again!
Thats not a text book landing.