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HDR and PBR development



  • stuff guys!


  • I'm still using the same version of the nightly as when I first tried it. Does this update mean that the airport, traffic and POI pins will show in HDR? I won't have a chance to try it until tomorrow.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Possibly but I'm not certain, the way I new it was fixed was that the digits on analog instruments, like the kr-87 ADF, now work properly. Although when I apply an emission map to the instrument it doesn't light up every digit.

  • BK117 looks nice

  • Yer killing me with this stuff.....Wow!


  • How does the unreleased 145 look? I bet that is gorgeous in HDR.

    I have had issues today with getting HDR actually running, the nightly just crashes when I have the compositor set but as soon as I take the command out it works fine XD. I had to have fun without HDR today :(



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • The new 145 is unfinished, so I havent looked at converting it yet

  • Not just helicopters im working on you know

  • edited February 2024

    The Spitfire looks pretty good in HDR by default, the only thing that I noticed was that arch at the front of the canopy (gun sight maybe?).

    Nice screenshots



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Dayum stuart that looks FIRE!!!! How many aircraft have you adapted for HDR so far? I'd love to help with the process but it's a pain in the arse that I've got finals and have to hammer away at the books all the time.

  • Ive got 11 done at the moment.

  • Very nice, you're doing great.

  • I have no idea what you must learn Bro but I wish you good luck and stay COOL at the final exam.

    All the Experts must go on the toilet like

  • Dang, Stuart, this stuff looks great. I wish my HDR looked as good as yours.


  • Thanks man, I've got my first language, informatics (since I'm finishing an IT vocational school) and english. Hope all goes well.

  • It was asked to see the H145 in HDR.....................

  • Wow, just wow. Can't wait to try all these out in HDR myself.

  • Oh my... That looks amazing, I mean the heli is amazing but as with all supported aircraft HDR adds real depth to it.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Typhoon on a misty morning.

  • Thinking of grabbing a newer nightly build to see if I can get my HDR to work. Worth it or wait?


  • It might work, then again, it might not. Its still not exactly reliable or user friendly.

  • Oh my oh my, it's time for my favourite chopper, outstanding work Stuart.

  • Backlit instrument lights using HDR lights.

    Done as an FPS test, and I think I took 1fps hit.

  • Is there any way to make glass less white in normal and HDR shaders, cause before the HDR update to the 412 the windows weren't so white. For example some aircraft that use model-combined-deferred don't have white glass in normal and do in HDR.

  • Its a model change. You need to set the transparency level in blender/ac3d. The issue is, if you go much less in hdr ( less white ) then in normal ALS, you cant see the glass hardly at all. Its a bit of a balancing act at the moment until I come up with a better solution that works in both modes. Remember, I am trying to make models work in both modes rather than just HDR or just ALS ( basically doing what they said cant be done, again.................. )

  • Yup I get it, you're doing great so far and I'm confident that the implementation of HDR compatible aircraft will be much easier in the future.

  • @stuartc I've found a better way of implementing HDR compatibility. There's a nasal file that detects whether HDR is enabled or not and based on that you can switch different models, parts of the model etc. So for the windows you can keep the original ones and just copy & paste them without moving them, change their transparency, color and whatever else, name them differently, of course, and then you can toggle the visibility, using the select animation, of the new objects using the new property that the nasal file has introduced.



    Here's the nasal file hdr.nas code:


    ##                          HDR detection                              ##

    ##                                                                      ##

    ## Thx to : Sergei "Skydive" Solyshko                                   ##


    props.globals.initNode("/sim/rendering/hdr/hdr-enabled", 0, "BOOL");

    var myListener = setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func



     var hdr = getprop("/sim/rendering/default-compositor");

     if ( hdr == "Compositor/HDR/hdr" and hdr != nil) {

       setprop("/sim/rendering/hdr/hdr-enabled", 1);

     } else {

       setprop("/sim/rendering/hdr/hdr-enabled", 0);



    }, 0, 0);

  • Tried that property as a trigger before, and it doesn't work. It was the first way I tried it.

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