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FlightNight June 4 - Return to VooDoo's Crack!

We'll meet at the hour of 8 pm London time at ICAO: SERB - Riobamba/Chimborazo Airport in ecuador. Please bring the helicopter of your choice from the FGUK Hangars that can attain/maintain 120 KIAS to altitudes up to 17K' - 20K' for an hour. We'll be landing at each of three different extinct volcanos - Sangay (Home of VooDoo's Crack!) Volcan El Altar, and then atop Mt. Chimborazo at


We will return to SERB for refresh and refuel before heading North again to SEAM, SELT, SEQU, SEQM, and we'll land at SEIB: Atahualpa Airport in Ecuador as our final destination.

Comma on TeamSpeak as always. There is some of the mightiest terrain in FlightGear on this trip so don't miss it!



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