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Flightnight 6th August - Operation Man in the middle

For this weeks flight we are going to have a cooperative bit of fun to test our ability to fly to a timed waypoint.

Two sets of FGUKers will participate, one as a simulated ground attack, the other as a simulated fighter CAP.

The Fighter cap will be in Tornado F models and departing from RAF Leuchars (EGQL) in Scotland.

The ground attack flight of Jaguars will be departing from RAF Scampton (EGXP)

Both will be flying towards the same waypoint, overhead Witehaven on the North West coast of England.

The intention is to meet overhead Whitehaven at 5,000 feet.

The flights will then split again and head South West towards the Isle of Man and the simulated attack point of 3 antennas on the West side of the IOM, here:

The Tornados will be need to be in a CAP racetrack pattern overhead the target point at 36,000ft

The Jaguars will head from Whitehaven at 100ft AGL, popping up to 3000ft 10 miles before the target before making a simulated attack run from 3 points of direction.

Once the attack flight have completed their runs the entire group will egress to the South East at 300ft as a formation and head to EGNO (Warton) for half time.

The second half of the flight we will head South West again towards the Mach Loop and have some low level fun in the Welsh valleys before finishing the evening at EGOD.

Do we have any volunteers for the Flight Lead positions?

Lantern Flight - Tornados at EGQL

Flight Leader -

Lantern 2-

Lantern 3 -

Lantern 4 -

Lantern 5 -

[more if needed]

Lion Flight - Jaguars at EGXP

Flight Leader -

Lion 2-

Lion 3 -

Lion 4 -

Lion 5 -

[more if needed]

If there's enough uptake I'll fly a coordinating role in a Nimrod. Otherwise I'll join the lesser populated flight or take a lead if nobody else fancies it



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