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Oh Goody - guess who's got Covid?

So far so good but we'll see if I'm capable of flying on Saturday. If you ain't had this yet you do not want it.



  • Feel better soon VooDoo



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • We had it too, despite being vaccinated three times.

    We all had a mild course (mild fever my pneumonia I was in the hospital with was much worse for me). I hope you get well soon.

  • Had it but didnt know I had it ( my Alien DNS protects me ) way back, year past Christmas. Only knew because I did a test cos my wife had it.

  • I'm not feeling so hot right now....still Day 1 and the headache and body pain is the main thing. Still, the fever is gone and I'm hungry as a horse so I'm taking that as a sign I'm kicking this things ass. Dr. prescribed me Paxlovid so I'll start that stuff this afternoon.

    I hate being sick. I'm not a good patient.


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