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UV mapping help required

Anybody who can help adding textures to AC models needed.

I have followed Blender Youtube videos and have add some stonework textures but failed to get blender to scale the textures correctly.

Onedrive link to my model, textures and photo of what I am trying to achieve!AmRcwtiRJxd90C0pzQ1Wb2Ix2WyK?e=DlqAJB


  • Good luck.

    Tried this one. Im still traumatised.

  • Yes I have struggled with it too a lot I would like to get it to look more realistic before submitting it to FG scenery database.

    I have another chimney object to do, but don't want to start it before figuring what may be wrong with the first.

  • A Message from warty for you ( as he cant get on the forum )

    And another version. Should be easier to apply textures as required. This was created from a blank screen using an earlier version as a reference. I find it is often better/easier to create a model with texturing in mind as it is created rather than try to texture an existing one.

    was: 3.8MB, surfaces: 41276 vertices: 52946

    now: 116KB, surfaces: 926 vertices: 834

    The texture used is from

    "Poly Haven is a curated public asset library for visual effects artists and game designers, providing useful high quality 3D assets in an easily obtainable manner.

    There are no paywalls, accounts or email forms required, just download an asset and use it without worry.

    All assets here are CC0, which means they're practically free of copyright and you may use them for absolutely any purpose."

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