FlightNight December 3 - Overserving Pik Skalistyj and a Tour of Tajikistan/ Kyrgyzstan Mountains.
We'll meet at 8 pm London time at ICAO: UA30 - Batken Airport in Batken, Kyrgyzstan. Please bring a prop aircraft of your choice from the FGUK Hangars or if you can find a chopper that can attain 18,700' and 130 KIAS for an hours duration that's cool as well. We'll depart our airport of origin and fly directly to Pik Skalistyj which is a massive mountain peak in Kyrgyzstan. After observing the peak we will turn more West at 18,700' and cruise thru the mountains to our midpoint destination: UTDD - Dushanbe International in the Capital of Tajikistan.
I'll be flying the daVinci_AT-17 so you'll wanna grab this if you want to see Flight Leader:
After refresh and refuel we will climb out and fly directly to ICAO: UTDL - Khujand airport in Tajikistan as out final destination.
Comms on TeamSpeak as always. Please be prompt because if we delay departure very long we will be late, late, late. as time is critical. We have a long way to go and no place to stop between destinations.
Lots and lots of super topography and significant terrain and little else to so see be there or Bee Square!
2020.4 users Photoscenery for this flight
OneDrive link
Install as before
2020.4 users Photoscenery Updated (some of the previous tiles were incomplete) for this flight
OneDrive link
Holy. Shit. Does this look good or what? ????
Way more than I expected. Thank you sincerely for the Photoscenery - it is light years more cool than the standard stuff.
Thanks Oly2b for the wonderful photoscenery
Would you be so kind to enlarge the area to the south east, to cover the highest peak in the region at more than 22,000 feet ?
Thanks in advance
Holy Shit! Is it my imagination or is the Photoscenery getting better as we go?
I'm trying to work more on Development of the many Aircraft I have for FlightGear but this Photoscenery has me so amazed all I want to do is fly around and discover new places and fabulous stuff to observe....God Bless you guys doing this enhanced scenery. It is absolutely stunning and enhances the immersion into FlightGear to almost addiction level.
I have done some more PS for the area between lowerleft 69.75, 39.38 and uper right 80, 39.875 hope it catches the moutains you are after.
GoogleDrive Link
If you want to make your own it is very straight forward (I can do it) follow the details
Thanks Oly2B for your efforts.
I will try to generate myself some additional prhotoscenery using the recommended program.
I have a quite old and not powerful GC. Is it an handicap for this specific purpose ?
This is a FlightNight thread - please start a new thread for new questions. I.E New Discussion Thread or something
Yes, it will take hours