FlightNight Jluy 15th - Return to Japan Cruise!
Flight Plan:
We'll meet at 8 pm London time at ICAO: RJNF - Fukui Airport in Sakai Japan. Please bring a GA type aircraft or Helicopter of your choice that can attain/maintain 130 KIAS up to 12500'. From Point of Origin we will fly directly to and overfly RJNK, RJNT, and land at RJAF - Matsumoto Airport as our midpoint refresh and refuel point.
After refresh we will depart to and overfly Nav. Fix KIDAR, RJNY, Nav. Fix IWATA, and finally land at RJNH - Hamamatsu Air Base in Hamamatsu as our final destination.
Comms on TeamSpeak as always!
Whole different side of Japan with fabulous scenery and sprawling metro areas await! CYA, FGUK'ers!
Photoscenery for the next flightnight
OneDrive Link
Install as normal
Thanks Oly! Are the Flight Files helping make yer job easier?