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  • Where she belongs. That really does look magnificent. I can't say I've been this excited to see anything in FG in a long time.

  • Wow it looks absolutely amazing. Superb modelling work.

  • AAAHHHH that makes me like it...tata... : )

    Thank you very much bros!

    Well I have change the sound a bit here and there and at the moment it is better then before in my opinion.

    But FGUK has some great Sound specialists and they can it 100 times better then I can do. I'm pretty sure the sound will be getting great.

  • Cockpit update

    - Rapid Start

    - Airbrake and Bomb Indikator

  • Ooh, so pretty!



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Without going too far over the top I think "fucking hell that looks amazing" about covers it.

  • Thanks a lot!

    I 'm struggling at the moment with the FG nightly version. If I turn the the shadows on in FG (low settings) the Airport buildings disapear. If I disable the shadows= Airport building and roads are visible and stable after scenery refresh.

    Hmm....have you an idea?

    I must mention the shadows looks so cool....ah yeah...and the shadows on the AI Traffic aircrafts are stable but no airport buildings to see.

  • Wow. Very impressive.


  • Sir VooDoo what's going on?

    I have to tell you I broke my joystick again. The wrist rest is broken....that thing is to old you know.

    I have the Saitek Cyborg EVO not the EVO FORCE...but the EVO FORCE is a kind of funny.

    At the moment I'm working on the lights. Yesterday I installed the first new Wessex MK5 heli hopper all the other ones I have downloaded but not installed (no time).

    Btw have you seen the absolute cool looking normal is a normal map...shit. I know who has made it....from now I'm call him 007 G. Bond...he is hidden he is a secret.

    But I don't get it how Stu have done you know the man with the short skirt that the lights are working. I have the light as you can see but I must switch it on manuely. The Nasal is missing...I have to figured out...but you know eagle and Nasal is ....pfffffff.....

    it is like a dog eats a doesn't work very well Sir Voodoo.

    But I have the rain effect now and added the rain sound and the thunder sound. If I switch to Thunder Storm weather you can hear the thunder bang bommm bamm...that's cool.

    I'm singing in the rain just no..this one is better.

  • Unless you are used to working with the lights system, its a pain in the arse to figure out.

    Require Multiplayer properties in the set file, a nasal file, nasal entries in the model xml as well.

  • @eagle That looks amazing, I can’t wait to see this in the sim flying with liveries :)



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Yeah Yeah it's pretty difficult....but thanks Stu.

    Orbi, I'm sure you get the Vulcy from Stu as whatever a pre-release or so.

  • Very nice very nice. I have it. With the short info from Stu, I have the lights. That was very helpful.

    With the Beacon/Nav light I done it differently. Because the normal Beacon lights don't work pretty well. I get with the Beacon a nice reflection on the surface of the fuselage but I get also lights in the intake of the engine....and that is a no go....noooo go!

    So I use the RedLight for the the Beacon (with the right property in the XML)and with this light I don't get weird reflection on the fuselage.

    I can't show you the Nav/Beacon lights it's to fast for catching it in the screeny.

  • Wow! It's alive!


  • Yeah thanks VooDoo : )

  • Maaaaan oh maaaan, eagle that looks absolutely spectacular.

  • Thanks Cyber : )

  • That looks amazing! Great work.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • The words don't exist in any language I'm familiar with to express how good that looks. You are a craftsman beyond the limits of my brain.

  • edited April 2024

    Wow....Alex....thanks a lot. I'm getting a smile : ) and also Orbi thank you.

    If I'm not in the workflow.....and I have a point of distance....I can't imagine that I have done that.That sounds maybe a bit of stupid but what should I do !? Nothing......I'm going not to the Doctor.

  • Something is missing I guess Nasal? The query ALS or HDR. But I can't find it in the moment. I must set manualy ALS to true to get the fuselage.

  • You need the Trigger option in the set file, The animation in the main Model XML file, and the Shiny model xml + non shiny model xml files below that ( which contain the aircraft .ac file in each, with the shader effects ).

    The liveries then trigger the animation as they should contain the 2 trigger options from the set file.

    From the F5E that im working on at the momen:-

    From the Set file:-




    <file type="string">Default</file>


    <!-- Add pushback -->


     <kp type="double">100</kp>

     <ki type="double">25</ki>

     <kd type="double">0</kd>

     <position-norm type="double">1</position-norm>







    From the main model XML :-























    And from a livery file to trigger the whole thing ( this would be a shiny livery ):-





          <name type="string">Swiss AF, Fliegerstaffel 6 #2</name>




    <name type="string">SwAFFL6_2</name>




    <name type="string">Pampa</name>




    <name type="string">SwAFFL6_2</name>









      <refl_correction type="string">-0.3</refl_correction>




    Animations, Model nasal, MP Sound call, Livery code and basically anything that is not an eff file remain in the main model xml.

    eff files will only work in an xml that contains the ac file it is intended to work with, so they go in the 2 other model xml files for the shiny and non shiny effects.

  • OOOOHHHH Gott oh Gott....that is to much for my brain on Sunday. Monday is a good day to try...not yet....definitely not yet.


  • LOL.....


  • I would like to say it works but it don't works. FG can't start. If I remove in the model.xml the hdr section then FG started but without fuselage.

    I have no idea. I have the same like you in all xml stuff.... it seems so. Something is different with the Vulcan. I believe I try another way.

  • Well, do the vulcan in the normal way, then I will convert it to HDR later.

  • OK, good suggestion

  • It was a shader thing. I had delete the lightmap and the lower section commented out and it works. It works so on the Vulcan. But the weird thing is on the Wessex I didn't do anything and the Wessex works.

  • The rendering refl_correction and fresnel-factor works under ALS dependent on the liveries.

    The glass shader works on both world ALS (not a milky thing) and HDR as well. Every glass object has his own material in the ac file. Well I have now three glass materials = glass ALS, glass HDR and glassin for the rain. tata!!!.... : )

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