Aircrafts with functional radar and payloads
Is there a list of aircrafts that have functional payloads/weapons and radar?
I have found the following:
F-16, F-15C, Mig-23MF, F-14.
I am interested in the F-18C or F-18E, I saw a model from FGUK, (As a side note I wonder if it would be possible to make the central part of the wheels of the F-18 white, seems now they are full black)
but although the payload is configurable and shows as 3D models, the weapons do not seem functional, am I right? same for the F-35, and Typhoon
What about F-4 phantom and Tornado? do they have functional weapon/radar systems?
is it possible to relatively easy to migrate the system that fires missiles and bombs from , lets say, F-16 or F-14 to other aircrafts such as F-18 and F4- phantom?
Thank you!
As a general rule of thumb, flightgear is intended as a flight simulator, not so much as a game, and as such active weaponry is generally not modelled.
There may also be an anti-warfare ethical element to this standpoint too. The fun is generally in the development and the flying.
But of course, freedom-wise, as with all open source projects there is nothing to stop anyone having a go at implementing weaponry in their models to their hearts content.
Cheers, Scott