FlightNight 13th of January - Scenic Tour of Gran Canaria and Tenerife Canary Islands!
We'll meet at 8 pm London time at ICAO: GCLP - Gran Canaria Airport, on the island of Gran Canaria. Ideally we are looking for GA style Aircraft but anything you'd like to bring from the FGUK Hangars including choppers is OK. Target speeds will be 130 KIAS to 10,000 feet for an hours duration. Midpoint airport will be GCLB - El Berriel Aeroc airport which we will arrive at after completely navigating the Coastline in a clockwise direction. This airport is teeny/tiny so choose aircraft accordingly.
After refresh and refuel we will depart and climb continuously to 10K' and fly to/overfly GCTS and then proceed to GCXO - Tenerife North–Ciudad de La Laguna Airport on the island of Tenerife as our final destination. If we do this correctly we should arrive at about 1754 UTC just as the runway lights are coming on.
Comms on TeamSpeak as always!
Beautiful stuff awaits. The last time we flew The Canaries there were massive flocks of birds which I have not seen while planning this Flight but be aware and if you see them, don't hit them!
Photoscenery for the above flightnight for people who not have the previous PS from last time.
OneDrive Link
Install as before
Thank You, Sir!