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EC145 / H145 Combined package.


Release Notes:-

First official combined package release containing the EC-145 and the H-145(M)

V2.0 EC145

Instrumentation and cockpit now based on the C2 variant.

No Full auto start available. - See in sim help before flying.

Autopilot V3 fitted - See in sim help before use.

External Compositor/HDR compatible lighting.

New internal rotor vortex sounds.

Basic HDR Compatibility.

V1.0 H-145(M)

Cockpit, Instrumentation and fuselage based on the D2 variant.

Full Auto start or Manual start available - Read in sim help for manual start.

Autopilot V3 fitted - See in sim help before use.

External Compositor/HDR compatible lighting.

New internal rotor vortex sounds.

Basic HDR Compatibility.

14 liveries with livery specific levels of shine.

Rotorwash on Grass effect.

Multiplayer Passenger/crew.

Rain ion Glass effect.

FDM Specific to the H145.

Extra configuration options for use as an 145(M).

Extensive systems replication. 


  • Woooo! I am downloading this now, and will proceed to enjoy it, looks amazing! Great work Stuart :)



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I've been waiting for this. Perfect, thank you.

  • I had a fun little test flight this evening in it (have some screenshots), I have a couple of quick questions… the AFCS, is it normal to need it off to fly somewhat stable, without the need for full left rudder input? Also manual startup, is there a guide of sorts for the location of switches (not a big deal)? And finally, autopilot seems a bit off, might just be me misusing but it doesn’t seem to keep heading (although I tried with AFCS enabled).



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Not experience any of those issues. The AP is the bet I could get out of it at the moment. Its not an exact science.

    It has a dedicated view for the overhead panel to make it easy for you to look for and find switches

  • I think I've seen an issue like that before. It was something to do with a fg setting. Maybe auto coordination is on or some other assistance?

  • I have auto-coordination off, I used to fly with it but since I got my HOTAS, I have had it turned off.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Out of curiosity, what FPS are you getting when it feels un stable?

  • I’m between 20-40ish, which is what I normally have. For the AFCS when on I need full left rudder to fly straight without going into a spin. And with the AP when I set all parameters, and enable them, I start spinning (I enable it over 30kts).



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • You have a system specific problem of some sort.

    Ive just just a test, with a heavy payload ti put it under stress.

    FG HUD Active so you can see my stick and pedal positions.


    Cruise :-

    Both with SAS/AFCS active.

    If you have something influensine your inputs then that will also have an effect on the AP when its active too.

  • Good point there Stuart. CJ, can you post screenshots like the same as Stuart has done? I suspect there might be something playing games with your inputs.

  • First is hover, second is cruise, I have weather set to fair weather (live weather is a bit too rough).

    Sorry about the HUD, I use HeliHUD addon.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • CJ,

    I've just tried to replicate that and am struggling to see why it requires so much left foot input from you.

    Do you have any twist grips or anything like that, other types of input that might be interfering and sticking left boot in when you don't want it. Those control input readouts in the HUD show an amount of left input that really shouldn't be required for the 145 in any phase of flight.

    I'm a total idiot when it comes to flying heli's but this thing is a delight to fly.

  • Curious if you need the same lead left foot in the EC145 as well

  • edited April 2024

    I only have my HOTAS, with the joystick twist assigned to rudder, I will try removing and readding it as I just extracted into an existing folder, see if that fixes it, if not I’ll test the EC145 (which I didn’t have to do before the combined package).



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • The EC145 has had significant changes as well beneath the surface.

  • So I reextracted to a fresh location, tis a bit better in terms of the rudder, but an example of the AP issue.

    It just starts spinning me. (Heading is the only one that's giving me issues atm).



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • But it will if your Pedal input is over responsive and your are also over torqueing . Look at the red indicators on the panel.

  • That only happened when I activated the Autopilot. The pedal input is less now, I'll give the EC145 a go in a second.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • I wonder whether I have something switched on/off that shouldn't be?



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • dont see anything out of place.

    Im still thinking its your twist grip. It may not be up to the job. I have a fighter stick with a twist grip for rudder. I ended up disabling it because it was impossible to fly with it. I used a separate set of pedals instead.

  • edited April 2024

    Just had a test flight and love it - how do you shut it down? The engine switches only go to idle or flight. They start in the off position but will not return to this position. Am I missing something?


  • In the H, just use the auto shutdown for now. In the EC, shut the twist grips off.

  • In the H if you put it to idle then middle click it goes to off.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Just wanted to say that I've tried the EC145 and it flies perfectly fine as expected and AP works fine too, no clue what's wrong with the H.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • The AP is exactly the same in both aircraft., but how it reacts is governed by the FDM in each.

  • Just tried a situation that I watched a video about, where loss off SAs + AP/AFCs at the same time can cause a violent reaction inducing rotor overspeed which in turn results in 0 torque as the engines alter power to compensate. It is a recoverable situation with a lot of effort. I was able to replicate in in the H145.

    Also found someone sleeping on the job.

  • Yeah, I had to leave my laptop for dinner, I’ll be flying in a little bit, then tomorrow. It is an amazing aircraft that I’m in love with.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Sorry guys, I have a big problem with the H145, I just downloaded it but when I use it the PC performance drops drastically (4 FPS), with other planes I usually have 30/40 FPS... Could anyone help me or tell me how to make it lighter? I would really like to use it since here in Italy it is used a lot like HEMS

  • Its very code heavy due to the Helonix screens and systems modelling. No way of making it lighter.

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