Flightnight 31st August 2024 - Coastal Capers
This week we will be doing some flying over some of the most beautiful scenery in the Eastern European coastal regions.
We will be starting at Ljubljana, LJLJ 8pm UK time before heading South West to the coast, enjoying the breeze from the foot of the Alps and heading toward the warmer climes of the Mediterranean before heading to LDLO for our half time stop, then on to Pula and Split as our final destination.
You can get the flightplan xml here:
You are invited to bring an aircraft that's comfortable at between 110-130kts cruising and able to make 6,000ft altitude in what can be relatively challenging terrain - especially during the first half, feel free to change to something else at half time if you'd prefer.
I'll be bringing the Aero commander which has been brought up to date (minus HDR) and now has working sound again as well as a few performance tweaks to make it more realistic in terms of engine performance. You can get it from the hangar, direct link here:
I have produced some orthos but there's lots of black gaps in it which I reckon our Ortho maestro will probably not have so I'll leave it for Olley to have a go with and see if he can get better results than I.
Comms are on TS as always - even if you're just listening, my skills don't stretch to typing out the instructions regularly enough to not have people on voice.
Here is a key binding to save typing:
<key n="6"> <name>Ctrl-F</name><desc>FGUK FlightNight</desc>
var sitRepLine = " .. "~ int(getprop("/velocities/airspeed-kt") ) ~ " KIAS, ";
sitRepLine = sitRepLine ~ int(getprop("//orientation/heading-magnetic-deg") ) ~ " deg Mag, ";
sitRepLine = sitRepLine ~ int(getprop("/position/altitude-ft") ) ~ " ft, ";
sitRepLine = sitRepLine ~ " at " ~ getprop("/sim/time/gmt-string") ~ " UTC";
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat", sitRepLine);
Thanks, Warty. Although that assumes that I am flying at the right airspeed/height and in roughly the correct direction which is never a given ;)
Whoo Hoo! Party Time!
My photoscenery for this flightnight - OneDrive Link
Install as before (above are both links to the same download)
Thank You Mr. Olley!
That is really a beautiful route...I flown it many times at the coast along.
Alex if I understand it correctly I can bring a aircraft of my wish.
YEAAAH...fancy pants fancy pants....um I sorry but the phonetics is so funny for me....in german language it sounds so boring for me.
Don't get me wrong it excist many words in german that sounds better then in english.
OK seriously....
I can not decide so I bring two aircraft....both are pretty dam cool...but I'm not pretty sure if it works over the MP.
Nevermind ignore me in FG if it doesn't work.
In deep connection your eagle.
Everybody shows up over MP, Eagle, and I tested a limited number of animations over MP as well.
Cool Voodoo....thank you for your support....it's great it's great.... ; )