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Staggerwing trip

I change the sound settings on the engine and add a flyby sound...and I put more red in the yellow livery that the blue color is more popping.

My first own testing orthos of Madeira and Wadi Rum.

Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars....aaahh....nice....


  • I enjoyed flying that aircraft and testing it. Thanks for the suggestion!


  • That would be great VooDoo and maybe you can correct the FDM...I mean it is horrible the lift up from the ground... you know.

    I have no idea from that thing.

  • Shoot me your "latest greatest" updates and I'll play with the FDM a little and see what we come up with.


  • The Link is there above VooDoo

  • Oops, sorry. Missed that - got it now!


  • OKY...

    ..... uncle VooDoo you are my no presure.... ; )

  • LOL.....well, I did manage to make it really bad so I'll try again today. It's fun to fly but making it better is eluding me and my skill set. We shall endeavor to persevere.


  • No problem.

    My biggest point of the aircraft is ....if the aircraft getting faster on the runway it is very unstable on the runway.

    How can I decribe it?

    It is as you getting a big fist from the side and the aircraft is punches to the side and it is very difficult to control it with the rudder or to stablices.

    I think Alex had that mention in a FN in the past and this effect is more by the taildragger....but I can be wrong.

    VooDoo if you have fun with it and you get it better it's cool ....if you can't get it better is also not a problem.....and it's also cool....why....because you have tried for me.....and that's count.

    So easy peasy in the fancy that make no sense..... but it sounds

  • I see what you mean Eagle, I have just done a few full stop landings and take offs and on take off I always find it gets pushed to the right so much I can't control it and end up doing a bit of off roading.

    The rest of the time it behaves quite nicely so I worry about touching the FDM and breaking all the other bits.

    Perhaps we can ask @stuartc to look at it as he was so kind about the Staggerwing on Saturday?

  • say what now??

  • LOL... you all are cool !!!

    Yeah, you get it what I mean Alex. If you can work together and get it a bit's awesome.

    The Staggerwing is cool.... it's the Learjet of the old days....the hammer rocket of the old days.... : )

  • Here is a Mod-Kit to try. Merge into your existing Staggerwing folder. It won't overwrite anything. It's still quite twitchy but then most taildraggers are. Try to get the tailwheel up as early as possible (30 KIAS +) then you'll be able to steer with the rudder. 30 to 40 kts is the critical point. If you are still on the runway at that point, with your tailwheel up then you should make it. Good luck!

  • Yes yes yeeeeeeeeees....... that's it.....uncle Warty...that's it what I'm needed.

    I have tested it and now the feeling feels correct for me now....what the fuck.... ; )

    A big thank you to you ,Warty.

    If you have a wish what I can do for you let me know. Maybe the vampire thing or whatever.

    The Goose also behaves like a stubborn donkey on the runway.

    I have to see if I understand what you did, then maybe I can make the Goose better.

  • edited September 4

    You're welcome, eagle. I was just curious. When I tried it, I decided it was probably related to the landing gear. Also in looking through the FDM I noticed that the propeller was off by 4 degrees. Various other points I just changed in passing - but I don't take many notes: just fix it and move on. Best thing is to do a file "Find Differences" on your text editor between mine and the old one. Particularly the Yasim files (model17-yasim_W.xml vs model17-yasim.xml).

    model17_W-set.xml is only there to create another aircraft option that points to:

    model17-base_W.xml which points to:

    1: model17-yasim_W.xml ! THE IMPORTANT ONE !

    2: Models/model17_W.xml - which now animates the tail wheel

    3: Systems/model17_W-keyboard.xml - which stops my normally-used keys from also applying brakes.

    The Vampire thing was done at the request of someone else. I have no great personal interest in it.

    edit, see:

  • I see.....NICE.....Thanks, Warty.

  • But @eagle seeing as you have offered :D the Vamp is great but the cockpit is lacking in terms of instruments. But definitely take a break, you did so much great work in the Vulc.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Yes I make a break Orbi. You have a good empathic personal characteristic...keep it.

    LOL...I give it up....I can't make the Goose better. BTW the Developer of the Goose is also the author of YASIM right.

    The discription of the YASIM stuff is to heavy for me..... I don't get it.

    Something is explained but what the values in detail does....for example change a value from 0.5 to 0.6........pfffff I don't get it.

    It's sounds for me it is a try and error principle...that you find the right values. Nevermind I don't want to learn it.

    So don't answer of my stupid execution.

    But the Goose looks pretty pretty.....ciao ciao

  • No..... I heard on the Hollywood FN film that you have many improvements made on the Staggerwing, VooDoo.... that's cool.

     So... Sir Mr VooDoo give me that please....I'm interested.... : )

  • I'll try and have some FDM improvements for ya by the weekend. For me it's a my skill level with FDM's.


  • Great...I'm happy.


    Best I can do with my limited skills and understanding of Yasim. The original FDM is in the SaveStuff! folder. Try it and see if it helps ya.


  • Thanks a lot VooDoo. I'll try it tomorrow.

  • What should I feels like now like a has now more a friendly wobble....what is normal for Taildrapper. If I enable the flaps it is also way better....the aircraft makes not a hippy hop as before.

    I have seen you had changed a lot in the yasim!

    Really really nice work VooDoo.

    I tested it in different weather condition live weather, high pressure and it's fine.

    I make also a very crazy test with Stormy Monday...I know it is stupid for the Staggerwing....but it was more controllable then before....and LOL it was very funny... : )

    So biiiiiiiiiiiiig thank you, VooDoo you have nailed it.... ; )

  • I'm happy you approve.


  • I have just spent nearly an hour googling and looking everywhere for the Goose, can I ask where you got it from?



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Pfffff.....I can't's a very very old one, Orbi.

    Some aircrafts disappear simply from the net. I can remember I'm searched for the Martin Mars...can't find it anymore.

    Nevermind if you find the original Goose or can have my custom one.

  • Thank you very much.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • You are welcome.

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