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Flightnight 26th October 2024 - Hear the Howl! (The Halloween one)

Hear the HOWL will see FGUKers from all around the world prowling the skies above the UK celebrating some current and past RAF bases. 

We will meet in our usual terrifying fashion at EGCN - 8PM UK time sharp before we spend the first half flying at around 220kts between EGXH, EGUY, EGXJ, EGXC, EGXP then EGXW, 

After a brief respite and refreshment we'll spend the second half going at a slightly higher speed towards EGEC. 

The whole thing will be absolutely scary and some of you may even soil yourselves with fear (nothing unusual there) 

You will be given an appropriately impressive aircraft for the evening, which you can find here:

Comms will be via teamspeak. Be there if you dare! 


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