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FlightNight Dec. 28th - Warbird Cruise and Chase!

We'll meet at 8 pm London Time at ICAO: LESO - San Sebastián Airport, in Spain. Please bring a Warbird of your choice from the FGUK Hangars that can attain/maintain 210 KIAS to altitudes of approximately 12,000' and can chase at low level of approx. 1000' AGLat 260 KIAS for an hours duration. After departing San Sebastian, we will depart to and overfly LEPP, LFBZ, LECI, and land at LEHC: Huesca–Pirineos Airport, as our midpoint refresh and refuel destination.

After refresh and refuel, we will depart to and overfly LFBT and land at ICAO: LECD - La Cerdanya Airport in Spain as our final destination. There will be low level chases scattered throughout various terrains we will encounter along the way. Be advised that scenery via Terrasync seems to be completely dysfunctional the last week or so and guide yourself accordingly.

Merry Christmas and I hope to see ya'll for this grand adventure!



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