No Terrasync Functionality. Solved!
I have always downloaded my Scenery via Terrasync but the server seems to be down for over a week now - planning a FlightNight has me literally having no scenery and flying over water or crashing on launch. Where is the best place to grab the scenery previously available via Terrasync or am I just screwed?
I wiped my FGFS install as I was unable to cure several issues I was having (like turbulence) without purging the existing install which, of course, deleted my cache of accumulated scenery.
Dont know what to say. It does work for me, but quite slow on the downloads.
Uh Oh....another bug in my FGFS. I hadn't considered that. Shit, I better do another reinstall. Anybody else have functional Terrasync as of right now?
I haven't noticed any issues, I flew in a new place for me today and had scenery so I'm guessing it's working.
Callsigns: G-ORBI
So....the latest greatest released version of FGFS is all the way back to 2020.3.19? Tried uninstalling and reloading saved versions of Nightly Builds but none of them have yielded a functional Terrasync download.
Frustrated to tears - this sucks.
43.04 [ALRT]:terrasync Warning: no DNS entry found for '' 'ws20'
Doesn't matter what version of FGFS I install - I got no Scenery now. None. This warning from the console - 333 times. WTF?
The problem lies probably with your ISP rather than your PC or FG install. As a workaround, try to set the "TerraSync DNS server" to "Google" in the "Downloads" settings in the launcher.
If that doesn't work, try adding --prop:/sim/terrasync/http-server=
See also:
Super thanks for the suggestions! I'll try them later today!
Solved by reinstalling FGFS and disabling Windows Defender. Pretty hard to believe but apparently it is a fact - After resolving the issue, I uninstalled FGFS and turned Defender back on and it crippled Terrasync downloads. So, make a note.
So Windows Defender caused the issues you were having with Terrasync. I wonder how many other issues that is causing with FG.
Callsigns: G-ORBI
I've been thinking about this and in other applications I'm aware of Windows Defender sometimes causing lag/stutters when things download/redownload chunks of data.
I'm wondering if WD is somehow causing the stuttering people see if they leave Terrasync on or even, dare I say it, with weather refreshes (less likely as I think that just populates the property tree)?