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No Terrasync Functionality. Solved!

I have always downloaded my Scenery via Terrasync but the server seems to be down for over a week now - planning a FlightNight has me literally having no scenery and flying over water or crashing on launch. Where is the best place to grab the scenery previously available via Terrasync or am I just screwed?

I wiped my FGFS install as I was unable to cure several issues I was having (like turbulence) without purging the existing install which, of course, deleted my cache of accumulated scenery.



  • Dont know what to say. It does work for me, but quite slow on the downloads.

  • Uh Oh....another bug in my FGFS. I hadn't considered that. Shit, I better do another reinstall. Anybody else have functional Terrasync as of right now?


  • I haven't noticed any issues, I flew in a new place for me today and had scenery so I'm guessing it's working.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • So....the latest greatest released version of FGFS is all the way back to 2020.3.19? Tried uninstalling and reloading saved versions of Nightly Builds but none of them have yielded a functional Terrasync download.

    Frustrated to tears - this sucks.


  • 43.04 [ALRT]:terrasync Warning: no DNS entry found for '' 'ws20'

    Doesn't matter what version of FGFS I install - I got no Scenery now. None. This warning from the console - 333 times. WTF?


  • The problem lies probably with your ISP rather than your PC or FG install. As a workaround, try to set the "TerraSync DNS server" to "Google" in the "Downloads" settings in the launcher.

    If that doesn't work, try adding --prop:/sim/terrasync/http-server=

    See also:

  • Super thanks for the suggestions! I'll try them later today!


  • Solved by reinstalling FGFS and disabling Windows Defender. Pretty hard to believe but apparently it is a fact - After resolving the issue, I uninstalled FGFS and turned Defender back on and it crippled Terrasync downloads. So, make a note.


  • So Windows Defender caused the issues you were having with Terrasync. I wonder how many other issues that is causing with FG.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • I've been thinking about this and in other applications I'm aware of Windows Defender sometimes causing lag/stutters when things download/redownload chunks of data.

    I'm wondering if WD is somehow causing the stuttering people see if they leave Terrasync on or even, dare I say it, with weather refreshes (less likely as I think that just populates the property tree)?

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