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FlightNight Feb. 15th - Sardinian Chopper Cruise!

We'll meet at 8 pm London Time at ICAO: LIEE - Cagliari Elmas Airport, near Cagliari, on the Italian island of Sardinia. Please bring the chopper of your choice from the FGUK Hangars that can attain/maintain 6000' and 120 KIAS for an hours duration. From our point of origin, we will fly directly to and overfly LIED and then to LIEO - Olbia-Costa Smerelda Airport as our midpoint refresh and refuel point.

After refresh and refuel we will depart directly to and overfly LIEA. turn South, and land at ICAO: LIER -Oristano / Fenosu Airport as our final destination.

Some good looking things to see in FlightGear and it should be stunning with new Orthos so be there!



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