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#Flightnight 22nd Feb. Wild Animals.

This flight is for helicopters of a specific type:-

Lynx ( AH7 or HMA8 )

Lynx wildcat




basically, any type of helicopter named after a wild animal that can meet the performance requirements.

If you are bringing one that is not found in the FGUK Hangers, then please POST A DOWNLOAD LINK at least 24 hours before the flight

The Flight plan:-

the Flight will take us up the Amazon River.

SBMQ - Start point

SBSN - End point.

We will be flying no higher than 500ft AGL and at a cruise speed of 120-135 kts following the course of the river.

About mid way into our flight we will carry out an off field landing. We will need to find a suitable tree free area to land on to refuel and refresh ourselves before continuing to the final destination.

Please choose your ride carefully and practice with it before hand.

All voice comms will be using TS3 as I wont be typing squat while flying a chopper.


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