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FlightNight Saturday 1st March - Gallic Gallavanting

FlightNight - 1st March 2025 - Gallic Galavanting

Hello you massive bunch of FGUK'ers

This Saturday we shall be having an explore of Northern France and the area around and to the South West of the Pas de Calais.

We'll be seeking out old airfields with a bit of history (as long as they are represented in Flight Gear) and doing some learning as well as we enjoy the rolling French countryside.



LFAT - Le Touquet - Start

LFAM - Berck Sur Mer

LFOI - Abbeville

LFQD - Arras Roclincourt

LFQL - Lens Benfontaine

LFQT - Mercille Calonne

LFQN - Saint Omer-Wizerness (Bruyeres)

LFAC - Calais

LFIS - Saint-Inglevert (Wissant)

Bologne sur mer (Alprech) - NO ICAO

LFAT - Le Touquet  - Half time stop

LFAE - Mers le Treport

LFAB - Dieppe

LFOS - St Valery Vittefleur

LFOH - Le Havre

LFRG - Deauville-Normandie

Courseulles Sur Mer - NO ICAO

LFRC - Cherbourg - Final destination


The first half is a circuit around the Pas de Calais and then for the second half we move on to some of the stunning Normandie scenery.

I've included a route manager file for scenery gathering, some of the waypoints in this are high altitude airway fixes and just to help you navigate for scenery purposes as there are no ICAOs at the locations we need.

The flight will be conducted at 1,500ft AGL and 140-190kts so please bring something from the FGUK hangars that can support your enjoyment at those speeds, we'll be doing some sightseeing so something you can trim to not crash while you enjoy the scenery would be beneficial.

If it's not from the FGUK hangars then please post a link here no later than 1800 on Friday UK time.

We shall be meeting at Le Touquet for a departure no later than 2000 UTC on Saturday, comms will be via Teamspeak.

I look forward to seeing you all there!


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