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FlightNight Saturday 8th March 2025 Gallic Galivanting Chapter 2

Hello All!

Apologies for the late posting of this flight. I had some issues with FG that meant I couldn't even start it up since yesterday

Due to some absolutely diabolical planning and general chaos the flight last week didn't get finished. This week we shall right that wrong.

We will meet at 8pm at LFAE before enjoying a jaunt along the coast :

LFAE - Mers le Treport

LFAB - Dieppe

LFOS - St Valery Vittefleur

LFOH - Le Havre

LFRG - Deauville-Normandie

Courseulles Sur Mer - NO ICAO

LFRC - Cherbourg - Final destination

We may, depending on how shennanigans progress, go down the coast during the second half towards LFRF.

I will be taking the Aero Commander, the latest version of which is available in the hangar. Same rules apply as last week.

I look forward to seeing you there.


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