SKYLINE. A cinematic soundtrack test.
Well my creativity in all areas over the past few weeks has took a big hit.
Today I did some cinematic music and Alex suggested a video theme for it to see if it works.
This video download is the quick and dirty result of it.
Feedback if you like, or sit in silence.
I really like that, good work
I like the music. The blurred fades between the takes sort of interrupt the flow to me.
And the video does not seem to tell a full story about the events. It just ends and you
ask yourself what was this about and what happened next. I assume it was some sort
of recce flight though.
Thats the entire video clip I got. Im no video guy and its was just a proof of concept for the music. I think it would also suit a SciFi scene like something out of Blade runner.
Yeah, for sure works for some dreamy flight scenes and I agree that it suits sci-fi.
And I don't know anything about video transitions either but I did some searching
and it certainly appears to be a form of art in itself.
Yes, the music could be a typical theme for Blade Runner. It tells the story of a dystopia. The music has this atmosphere of a big rainy city in the dark with lots of twinkling city lights like in the movie. The music is oppressive, holds a secret or a danger, but in the distance shows points of light for hope for the good.
BTW, that is a cool link, Timi.
Fabulous. I think you have a future as a composer for videos/cinema music. I like it a lot!