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FlightNight May 28th 2022 - Fast jets Cruise and Down and Dirty @ Turkey, Greece, and Croatia!

We'll meet at 8 pm London Time at ICAO: LTAI - Antalya Airport in Antalya, Turkey. Please bring a Fast Jet from the FGUK Hangars that can attain/maintain 550 KIAS from 750' AGL to approx. 8000' for a duration of at least one hour - much or most of the trip will be conducted at lower speeds but this terrain may be challenging so choose wisely.

We will depart and overfly: LTFE, LGAV, LGMG, and land at LGRX: Patras Araxos Airport in Greece as our midpoint, refresh/refuel destination. After refresh and refuel we will again depart to the Northwest and overfly LGAG, LGPZ, LGKR, LAKV, LATI, LYTV, LDDU, and land at LDDP: Divina Pastora Airport in Croatia as our final destination.

There may be several instances of low level AGL flying, Stupid-Sonic speeds ( for short durations) and even some chase sequences so, again, choose your mount wisely. Comms on TeamSpeak as always.

Fast and low and dirty+ significant terrain, water, mountainous islands and all manner of craziness truly makes for an epic FlightNight. Be there or Bee Square.



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