FlightNight May 28th 2022 - Fast jets Cruise and Down and Dirty @ Turkey, Greece, and Croatia!
We'll meet at 8 pm London Time at ICAO: LTAI - Antalya Airport in Antalya, Turkey. Please bring a Fast Jet from the FGUK Hangars that can attain/maintain 550 KIAS from 750' AGL to approx. 8000' for a duration of at least one hour - much or most of the trip will be conducted at lower speeds but this terrain may be challenging so choose wisely.
We will depart and overfly: LTFE, LGAV, LGMG, and land at LGRX: Patras Araxos Airport in Greece as our midpoint, refresh/refuel destination. After refresh and refuel we will again depart to the Northwest and overfly LGAG, LGPZ, LGKR, LAKV, LATI, LYTV, LDDU, and land at LDDP: Divina Pastora Airport in Croatia as our final destination.
There may be several instances of low level AGL flying, Stupid-Sonic speeds ( for short durations) and even some chase sequences so, again, choose your mount wisely. Comms on TeamSpeak as always.
Fast and low and dirty+ significant terrain, water, mountainous islands and all manner of craziness truly makes for an epic FlightNight. Be there or Bee Square.
Unable to generate the full route of 2020.4 photoscenery, however have managed to gather the PS for the start, midpoint and end airfields.
OneDrive Link
Add to FG as normal
Thanks Oly!
I have added some PS tiles (not a complete route, may be gaps)