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HDR and PBR development



  • Hmm, interesting. I've tried aircraft that use that property and it works perfectly, Beechcraft Texan II from helijah for example. Maybe I'll try implementing it myself and report back the findings.

  • @stuartc I managed to make it work just as I described the process earlier, the thing is just that the nasal script only checks if HDR is enabled only at the beginning when the FDM is initialized so if you wanna check the difference between the different objects you have to manually set the property, from the property browser, to 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled).

    Some pics of how it looks in both shaders:

    Here's the aircraft file, all that is changed are the, 412-hdr.xml, 412-als.xml files and the hdr.nas file is added to the Nasal folder:

  • so my method being automated is much more efficient

  • True, it works great and looks phenomenal as you can see.

  • @stuartc should I help to integrate the automated HDR checking and switching of objects in the aircraft you've made HDR compatible so far?

  • No not yet.

    That method will make everything shiny and polished, including military paints which shouldn't be.

  • Nope it won't, I checked. That only triggers the select animations, nothing more. So for example we would only use this on the two different window textures, one non-HDR and a HDR one. The liveries and everything else will remain unchanged and untouched.

  • So, something different using HDR based lighting.................

  • Ooooooooooh very nice, very nice indeed.

  • Wow! Holy Shit! I gotta make my HDR work......Gonna go get the latest nightly build and see if it works on my machine without all the aliasing.


  • The scenery lighting works in HDR just fine. Im having difficulty getting it to look "Normal" under basic compositor though.

  • edited February 2024

    Loaded up the latest/greatest Nightly build and HDR looks pretty good for me but this build is too game crashy for me. It was cool to see some of the new HDR compatible aircraft for 48 hours but I'm dropping back to the last one as I saved it.


  • I’m making a military livery for the Bell 206, how can I make it not shiny in HDR, I know it’s in the xml file but not sure of values?



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • All you need to change is 2 lines in the livery.

    This is the Bazillian Navy one, which is non shiny:-




        <name type="string">Brazil Navy, BMC</name>





      <hdr>false</hdr> <----- THIS IS TURE FOR SHINY

    <als>true</als> <----- THIS IS TRUE FOR NON SHINY ( as it is on this one )




      <refl_correction type="string">-0.42</refl_correction>





    You cant have both set to ture, or both as false, and you cant miss out one or the other.

  • Awesome thanks :)



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • This section defines shine in aircraft that have not yet been modified:-


      <refl_correction type="string">-0.42</refl_correction>



    -0.42 would be a dull paint. -0.2 would be a polished paint ( and anything inbetween to get the shine lever right to match the paint type/livery

  • Oh it's a Sea Vixen. I thought it was a helicopter.

  • Im not just working on Helicopters

  • Beautiful.

  • Beautiful ???? HDR looks so purty.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • edited May 2024

    For anyone doing HDR compatibility, I've just recently stumbled upon a way to make that waaaay easier. Instead of relying on scripts you can just use Rembrandt, I know, bear with me. All the aircraft that have the transparency issues can be modified in a way that you just use the Rembrandt effect tag on the transparent objects.

    This would significantly reduce the amount of time one has to spend at modifying different Blender objects to look just right in both shaders, now you would just have to find all the effect tags that use the wrong effect and replace them with this solution. This should work in ALS as well as in HDR, so a win win. Maybe you could even get the rain effect on the glass, but don't quote me on that :)

    Here are the links to what Lester-Boffo said on the FG forum:

    Code example:


    Happy developing, Cyber

  • Works instantly and the results are damn impressive, I spent 2 seconds editing the effect file :)

  • Wow. Certainly looks good!


  • Okay I just got some first-person insight from icecode (who's the developer of HDR) and he said that this is the main way to go, he strongly advises against using logic for HDR of switching objects using select animations.

    Here's what he said:

    I thought it was already known that model-transparent works in HDR. Marking transparent objects with model-transparent is the way to make AC3D models compatible with HDR, and has been basically since HDR was a thing, mainly inspired by Rembrandt.

  • I dont use a select animation in that respect. Its not tied to HDR being active or not.

  • Aha alr, but still maybe it would be a lot easier to use this new approach. How do you make the aircraft HDR compatible?

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