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Flightnight 16th March 2024 - The Firebirds

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to FlightNight for March the 16th.

This week we will be flying up the East Coast of England and Scotland to take a fun filled jaunt between Wattisham and Leuchars.

56 Sqn, RAF were based at Wattisham with the Phantom FGR.2 and so that will be our steed for the evening. Please grab the latest FGUK version from the hangar before the night.

Routing will be up the East coast for the duration but with a stop at half time at Teeside.


I look forward to seeing you all at Wattisham, 8pm UK time on Saturday for a lot of FGUKing fun.


  • Sounds like fun!


  • The refuelling probe animation is sh**e

  • Still don't like the exit of the engines, make it spin or lose it. JMO

  • Sorry - but the deflector plate from the intake is too close to the main body, there is a big gap there in all reference photos.

  • Who rattled your cage

    Id say the gap at the intake ramps is about right

    As for the exit at the engines ? Theres no spinning parts at the back, only the compressor fans at the front,.

  • Porcy,

    Let us know when you've fixed it then mate. Open source and all that.

  • Hey guys, I just tried the FGR2, it's really amazing and very fun to fly. Just recently I managed to set up headtracking, using opentrack and neural net, and it's a real game changer. It adds another level of immersion and makes flying way more realistic, especially helicopters, that's a whole another world. If I'm gonna be able to make it tonight, it's gonna be fun to fly a flightnight with this new added feature, 'cause 'till now you had to have 3 hands to be able to control everything at once lol.

  • I had headtracking but turned it off as its less than helpful when trying to do video or external screenshots.

  • As everyone should have an HDR equipped FGR2 tonight, I may experiment and do the whole flight in HDR mode too see how it performs.

  • That would be my day with the HEROES....but I can't no time. : (

  • That's true, it sucks that you have to choose between realism or nice screenshots.

  • edited March 2024

    Oh cool, maybe I'll try it too but it's a shame that buildings don't work in HDR.

  • They do on my one, most of the time.

  • Sorry if I sounded negative or unappreciative of the hard work that goes into these excellent Aircraft but, as Stuart knows, I tend to write what I think, instead of trying to get a meaningful point across.

    The Re-fuelling probe, whence activated, appears from deep within the skin of the aircraft and travels through the engine intake, which I don't think happens in real life. I cannot fix this, Alex, as I am too dumb for that.

    The actual animation is good.

    What I was trying to say is, what are the static 'cog' type things in the rear of the engines ?

    Should they be stationary, are they supposed to spin, do they need to be there ? What is their purpose ?

    What version of FG do I need for this HDR stuff ?

  • Ummmmmmmmmm, ok, lets look at the evidence presented here.....................................

    Its the wrong aircraft your looking at.

    Thers no Camo p;aint in the new breed FGR2 at the moment. Its only got 2 liveries, one is Blue, tother be grey.

    I present my evidence.

    New FGR2 models arse looks like this

    Old FGR2 3d models arse ( and completely different folder for it to live in ) looks like this:-

    Note the shape of the thrust buckets on the older 3d model ( which is what you are seeing ) are more angular.

    Yes there was a semi upgraded version of the old FGR2 that I was doing because I couldn't get any help one the brand new one after 3 years of trying, until recently.

    The Release from Alex the other week is an entirely new, to FG 3d, model.

  • New FGR2 Folder is FGR-2, not FGR2.

    Its listed in the Launcher as "Royal Airforce FGR2 Phantom II ( yasim )"

  • edited March 2024

    So Sorry Everyone !

    I definitely did a fresh download and deleted my old FGR Folder.

  • Could someone post a link up, Please, as I can't find it in the Hangar/Military Jets

  • That's why I posted LOL earlier. Porcy. I thought "He's lookin' at the wrong airplane!"


  • edited March 2024

    Weirdness has been happening. I have visited the Hangar several times earlier today and the FGR folder was still showing the old FGR. Now it is showing the correct HDR version updated one.

    Hmmm. Strange.

    The new one is **gorgeous**

  • Bout bloody time

  • Currently sat in a Lightning near Hamburg looking to cross the sea to Wattisham.

    God it sounds sooooooooooooo good.

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