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  • I had already converted the Wessex

  • edited April 2024

    Damn that looks good, Eagle. Just really WOW!


  • Yeah......HDR is really a game changer....

  • edited April 2024

    WOOOOOOOOW, this looks so amazing. For the different windows in ALS and HDR you used a nas script that checks whether HDR is enabled or not, correct? Cause, the windows look so perfect in every shader that not even when I used that script I could get those kind of amazing results

  • I tried different ways and I end up with this result what in my opinion the best way is.

    Yes, I use a Nas-Script and the glass shader from Helijah from his A-26-Invader Aircraft.

    I played with the settings until I got the result. I added for the ALS and HDR windows a separated material that I have the possibilty to adjust each window in the ac file.

    If you have any question...well.... the support hour cost 500,00 EURO....OK... you get a little discount.

  • Great, I use the same approach but I never got the windows to look that good in both shaders, could you maybe share the ac material code. As for the payment you'll have to wait till I find the buyer for my kidney and liver, I sent an advert to Mexico and it's cartels, I'm expecting an answer soon ;)

  • Hehe...keep your liver, you still need it.

    I use a grey texture for the HDR glass.

  • Wonderful, thx for the code :)

  • Only a FG

  • gltf do be problematic, did you press -x or something like that in blender when exporting?

  • Well...I exported for the nightly builds with the setting Matrices=Export. I can't remember why, probably for an older nightly builds.

    I got an update of the nightly builds and FG don't start anymore. So I switch back to the 2020.3.19 FG version and that was the result what you can see on the pics.

    And that was a good thing. I exported that stuff again with the settings

    Matrices=Apply before export..... and all is in place again.

    And I got another update of the 2020.4.0 and now it works on both FG version.

    But I found it a kind of funny so that was reason I posted the know.

  • Glad you got it sorted but it kind of looks like one of those engineering diagrams that shows all the parts removed from an item

  • Yes I know what you looks a bit so.

    I'm working of the unwrapping of the delta that is a horrible thing.

    Have I told you I don't much like to do the work of the 3D unwrapping.

    Who thought up this shit.....yeah yeaaah blablabla aaarrrggg.

    This is a good channel here where I can let out my frustration!

    Don't worry....I'm far... : )

  • You're doing a great job :)

  • Pieces are ready it's time for liveries.

  • Oh my lordy, this is looking amazing! Can’t wait to see the wonderful livery work too :)



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Oooooooo, sick sick sick, that's super dope. I can't wait to fly it.

  • Holy shit mate that's absolutely stunning

  • a lot boys!

  • Not finished.....but you can do looky looky.

  • Amazing looks as always, nice livery.

    Can't wait to fly it :)



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • edited July 2024

    Thanks buddies !

    Cyber, 4:43 am....hmm...let me guess.

    You came from a party or you studied.

  • I was programming lmao, my sleep schedule is more in sync with the U.S timezones :)

  • : ) ....I see I see.

  • I'm almost finished some small correction must be done. My goal is in the end of the week to send the Vulcan to the FGUK...because next week I'm not there (Holiday). And I want to be finished with that beast before getting starting peace and chillout.

  • This looks great! Amazing work! Get that well earned rest and I am excited to try it out :)



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Same, can't wait.

  • Holy sugarlumps!

    Absolutely stunning, the workmanship that has gone into that is really something else.

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