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Gnat T1



  • There is now a branched called enrogue on the git server that has the following changes:

    • model xml with the shader (moved in git from the the base directory to the Model directory)
    • bumpmap
    • IAF livery
    • NX1CL livery

    From what I can tell (md5sum) the ac file in the base directory is the same as the one in the model directory:

    md5sum Models/ 


    364190ef43d08aeb829fc8bff85cfc4f Models/

  • changing the sine on each livery is fairly easy, you just alter the number in the rendering block in the livery xml


      <refl_correction type="string">-0.42</refl_correction>


  • edited September 2023

    I've just packaged up some more goodies for the Gnat T2:

    Download link:

    I think it's about the only British aircraft where the aircraft manufacturer designed and made their own ejection seats instead of using Martin Baker seats. Possibly due to the requirtement for them to be lightweight, MB may not have been able to supply a lightweight seat at the time.

    Cheers. Scott

  • Just going through the Vol1, found this!

  • edited July 2024

    Been making some progress with the display smoke

    - even got it to work over MP :o)

  • Yay. Coloured farts

  • Here is a mod kit for anyone who wants to give it a try. Obviously it's for merging with the hangar version - NOT to replace it.

    The cockpit buttons should now switch colour of the smoke. You should also be able to select them from the Gnat menu.

    There is also a "Smoke PULSES" option that fires a 3-second burst which leaves a red, white and blue trail. Keyboard "S" should also do this.

  • very cool, thx

  • Wowee! Nice work, Sir!


  • As far as I can tell, this also works over MP. If this is established, I would request that this mod is added to the hangar version.

  • This looks great, I'll check it out tomorrow.

    Is there anyway to fix the fuel. If it runs out fully, the engine stops but there is no way to restart the engine (the sounds don't start again) once fuel is added.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • I suppose that, in real life, if you run out of fuel then that is it. Air-to-air refuelling was never an option with the Gnat. The pilot is traditionally responsible for making sure he has enough fuel to complete the sortie. But if you find this a bit bothersome, you could always add this line:


    to the Additional Settings part of the launcher

  • Also, the Gnat has a fuel gauge. Just saying :o)

  •  These changes should make the Gnat_T1 useable on MPCarriers like the Nimitz. 

     As seen in the movie "Hot Shots". 

  • Hello everyone! I started to create a 3D model, but I ran into a lack of drawings of the plane's cabin. Does anyone have drawings of cabin elements?

  • What variant are you looking for @Vasil ?

  • All Gant T1 documentation is now on my new RTFM web page (in development):

    RTFM = Read The Ffing Manual

    Codified AP number for Gnat T Mk. 1: AP 101B-1801

    Topics 1A, 1B, and 15 will have decent cockpit layout information, but 15 has labelled photographs on the last few pages.

  • Thank you so much! ????

  • No problem! Happy to help to make as many models as accurate as possible!

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