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FlightNight August 24th - Orient Express

We'll meet at 8 pm London Time at the dispersal at Dijon (LFSD) and depart from runway 02. Weather: Core High Pressure, Time: Dawn.

Please bring the aircraft of your choice from the FGUK Hangar that is happy at 120 KIAS. As this evolved from the Helifest 2024 topic and some people may want to take selfies to submit to this, we should bear in mind the organisers requirements:

"Any general aviation or commercial rotorcraft is welcome to participate. Please, no armed, military or police craft. In addition to the “as delivered” and “off the shelf” default paint schemes that are always a pleasure to see, we encourage custom repaints, with various colors and HeliFest, personal or rally sponsor colors and/or logos."

Mid-point break will be at Lausanne (LSGL). The flight will end at Raron (LSTA).  Detailed FlightPlan:

Comms on TeamSpeak as always.

oly2b has produced orthos for this:!AmRcwtiRJxd9hJFynOp1Gqzhs4WmzQ?e=47C39a

Here are the scenarios:

orient_express_1 runs an Orient Express style Steamtrain in the Collonge to Champvans area of France. Nearest airport is Dijon Longvic (LFSD).

orient_express_2 runs in the Mesnay to Andelot. Nearest airport is Champagnole Crotenay (LFGX).

orient_express_3 runs in the Vallorbe to Croy area of Switzerland. Nearest airport is Yverdon Les Bains (LSGY).

orient_express_4 runs along the the shore of Lac Leman, Swizerland (Lutry to Montreux).Nearest airport is Lausanne (LSGL).

orient_express_5 runs between Lavey-les-Bains to just after Charat-Fully, Swizerland. Nearest airport is Bex (LSGB). 

orient_express_6 runs between Raron train station to just before the tunnel at Brig, Swizerland. Nearest airport is Raron (LSTA).

There is one train scenario of about 15 minutes duration for each 15-minute flight time area. I will let you know when to start each one. That way we we all see the train at about the same time and place. Note that if you start it out of sequence that the only fix is probably to restart the sim.  Also, probably best not to turn the previous one OFF - it can have strange effects. 


  • Wow! Looks like a grand adventure!


  • edited August 2024

    Near LFSD - which direction might I view the train while running the AI Scenario 1? I can't wait till Saturday. I'm too excited....


  • I'm sorry I'm so computer stupid, but all I see is row of blue and yellow glider moving down the track. could someone please tell me what folder to put the rail cars into. Thank you in advance.

  • edited August 2024

    orient_express_1 runs from the Collonge to Champvans area of France. Nearest airport is Dijon Longvic (LFSD). WP3 "min05" (5 minutes flight time) to WP7 "Champvans". It's easiest to look for it on the map. It will show as a black diamond.

    The files need to be merged into data/AI as follows:

  • Thank you Mr. Warty. that worked. even got a couple pic's.

  • Excellent news N-66 - you're welcome. Please post some screenies.

  • Here you go Mr. Warty. sorry I don't run ortho's yet probably looks great with it.

  • Yay! Thanks you guys!


  • Well....shit. I'm doing something wrong 'cause I ain't got no trains.


  • I have no issue with scenarios when using FG 2020.3.19 (see pictures) but with FG 2020.4 I can not see the trains, I got this error message "Killed invalid scenario, FlightPlan O5-3045.xml does not have END".


  • I'm running FG 2020.4 from a nightly build of Jan. 4th of this year. That's probably my problem then....

    [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-1

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-11

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-12

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-13

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.31 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-14

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-15

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-16

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-17

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-18

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     FGAIFlightPlan::Flightplan (C:/Program Files/FlightGear 2020.4/data/AI/FlightPlans/OE-00-15.xml) missing END node

      51.32 [ALRT]:ai     killed invalid scenario Steamtrain-19

    Maybe some Smarty Pants can tell US how to fix this - November 66 - what FGFS version are you rocking? Warty?


  • I'm on 2020.3.18 because I prefer stability. It seems that 2020.4 does not like the WAIT instruction and/or the comments at the end of each file. Try these:

  • edited August 2024

    Yay, that's done it, Sir! You are my Hero!


    Unfortunately I didn't catch the train soon enough to get the full effect/tracks as the Storch was running only 60 KIAS but that'll be solved on the night. Well done and *Thank You!*


  • I'm using 2020.3.19 Mr. VooDoo,

    sorry I didn't get back to you earlier, been trying to get FG's B29 to fly in formation but all I get is them stupid blue an yellow gliders.

  • edited August 2024

    That train is goofy.

    but that plane is beautiful. Storch if I’m not mistaken.



    Callsigns: G-ORBI

  • Hurray it works! (Nightly build - 21st Aug 2024)

  • See: data/AI/Aircraft/b29/Models/b29-wingman.xml The issue with the B29 scenarios is probably because of this:

    "/../../../../Aircraft/" is saying to go up four directory levels and then into the /Aircraft/ directory to look for the model. In the old days, that is where flyable aircraft were stored. Nowadays, not so much. This, however, should check al your hangars (including the FGAddon downloads):


    Works for me, anyway.

    Obviously you need to have the flyable b29 installed!

  • Got it to work, had to use the second set of 'Flightplans' as the first produced nothing to see.

    Nice work Warty.... again.

    Carriages are a bit FUBAR'd at the end of the scenario run because it try's to turn around and return along it's path and loses a bit of direction, maybe? Dunno.

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